Moon BastetThe Intersectional Crisis of the FeminineCisgender Woman Calls Verbal Assault Against Trans Woman a Display of “Love”Sep 1, 20221Sep 1, 20221
InAfroSapiophilebyMoon BastetJanelle Monae is Beautiful and Your Penis Won’t Change Her — Being Heterosexual Doesn’t Give You…NEWFLASH: The Gay Community is not a social club filled with undesired, ugly heterosexual leftovers.Aug 30, 202235Aug 30, 202235
Moon BastetDominatrix’, Misandrists, Humiliatrix’, Femmedom Queens, and the Men Who Love ThemA Gentleman likened my sexual energy to that of Angelina Jolie — in fact, he referred to me (then and now) as the Black Angelina Jolie ……Jul 12, 2022Jul 12, 2022