Moon BastetThe Intersectional Crisis of the FeminineCisgender Woman Calls Verbal Assault Against Trans Woman a Display of “Love”Sep 1, 20221Sep 1, 20221
Moon BastetThe Problem with Bette Midler: White Feminists that are Addicted to PrivilegeBette Midler, girl … what the fuck are you doing?Jul 6, 20227Jul 6, 20227
Moon BastetThe Indy Film, “Tangerine”, and the Need for Trans Inclusivity and Diversity in Mainstream Women’s…… so, yeah, I watched the film, “Tangerine”, and I loved it.Jul 22, 20223Jul 22, 20223
Moon BastetA Transwoman Thanked Me for Hiring Her … And It Broke My Heart.In 2015, I was managing a team — a small team of recruiters.Jul 22, 20229Jul 22, 20229