InPublishousbyLaura MohseneHow to Crush A Person’s Spirit and Make Them Feel Like CrapThese steps work best if the person is family or someone who loves you and wants you to love them back.Aug 12, 20189Aug 12, 20189
InThe Orange JournalbySusie PinonOne Person Could Redirect Your Entire LifePeople become friends at the most unexpected times.Sep 23, 202210Sep 23, 202210
InModern WomenbyMoon BastetI Love Love Letters: An Ode to Romance, Love, the Harlem Renaissance, and CreativesI love love letters.Aug 22, 2022Aug 22, 2022
InThe official pub for FACEbyMoon BastetANTI-BLACKNESS: My Boss Told Me Black People Cannot Pronounce the Word, “Ask”Yes, this really happened.Jun 22, 202226Jun 22, 202226
InThe official pub for FACEbyMoon BastetAn Older Black Woman Said I Was Too Attractive To Work For HerYep. It’s true.Jun 22, 20221Jun 22, 20221
InThe official pub for FACEbyMoon BastetMy White Boss Told Me to Wear a Hairnet In The Coffee Area … And My Spirit Was CrushedIt was 2007, and I had just gotten a new weave.Jun 30, 202215Jun 30, 202215
InThe official pub for FACEbyMoon BastetDeath of the Black Queen: Hip-Hop and How I Found Validation in Being Named a ‘Top Writer in…I’m thankful.Jul 2, 20226Jul 2, 20226
InThe official pub for FACEbyMoon Bastet“My White Bosses were Sexist, Ageist, and Racist”: Being a Black Woman in a One Hundred Year Old…This company was very old, over one-hundred-years old, in fact.Jul 7, 20221Jul 7, 20221
Moon BastetBeyoncé Has Me to Thank for Her SuccessBelieve it or not, Beyoncé and I have a lot in common.Jul 9, 2022Jul 9, 2022