PinnedReclaim Sovereign Femininity by Harnessing Toxic MasculinityDark Alchemy: It is Your Birthright to Tear Down and Rebuild as You Wish — Use His Toxic Energy to Declare Your SovereigntyNov 1, 20241Nov 1, 20241
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PinnedPublished inZORAStop Expecting Men to Be Your Intellectual PeersEmbrace the Era of “Woman Talk” and “Quiet the Intellectual Garble” when Men Enter the RoomJul 9, 202329Jul 9, 202329
PinnedMarriage is Often a Detriment to Women — Where are the Alternatives?With Women’s Rights movements being so prevalent and women climbing the ladder in so many aspects of life and the economy, especially in…Jul 14, 20236Jul 14, 20236
It’s Best to Be the Mean GirlNever Take It Easy On a Woman that Chose Not to Take It Easy On YouJun 30, 20244Jun 30, 20244
Why the Hell are People too Lazy to Try Someone New in their Forties?Is “the Second Time” around Rebound Love or “Struggle Love” by Another Name?Jan 1, 20241Jan 1, 20241
The Narcissist-Drenched Dating Scene is a Dark Energy Pyramid Scheme“Dark Love” Based in Backwards Sentiments about Nothing, Materialism, and Sexual Exploitation has Become far Too PrevalentDec 1, 2023Dec 1, 2023
Mid-Life Crisis: Washed-Up Forties Need to Leave their Foolish Twenties BehindMaladjusted 40-Somethings Behaving Like Twenty-Somethings are Toxic … and Someone Needs to Say ItOct 17, 20233Oct 17, 20233
Medium Dethroned … their Own Writers, HUH??!Rule Changes and Funding Withdrawal Make it Clear that there is No Partnership between Medium and its WritersOct 17, 20231Oct 17, 20231